Free call of duty 3
Free call of duty 3

free call of duty 3

Players choose from five different classes of character such as medic and anti-armor, and then customize gameplay options. Internet action is available for up to 24 people in a single or split-screen game. Soldiers come equipped with special skills such as the British SAS soldier's knack for sabotage, and the Canadian mechanized infantry's expertise at inventive vehicles. Each path requires the use of special tactics in order to navigate the course effectively. Game room generals will lead the group through 14 missions filled with multiple attack routes as a member of either the American, British, Polish, and Canadian armies. In Call of Duty 3, single players focus on the stories of four Allied soldiers that begin at Operation Cobra and leads to the eventual Liberation of Paris.

  • After landing on the beaches of Normandy, soldiers spread out to liberate Europe from the Nazi regime.

  • Free call of duty 3